Images and sources via links on my the curves pinboard
I need positive images of women in my daily life. As well as positive attitudes. I have changed a great deal physically and emotionally since adolescence about my self image. I've always been chubby or curvy if you will, but I haven't always been ok with that. I feel that with age I just seem to like myself and my body more even with stretch marks, and imperfections. I try to waste as little time as possible complaining or pointing out said imperfections. I really do not understand why so many women do that constantly. I try to stay positive....But I have my days. Some people tend to project their own negative insecurities on others. Today someone I work with said I should not eat too much because I was gaining weight. This coming from a person, who is a healthy weight, by the way, but who obsesses constantly about being skinny. I'm so not that person anymore. I have moved on from that, sure I would love to loose a couple lumps and bumps but basically I think I look good. Normally I would just brush it off, because Panamanians tend to notice whether you gain or lose an 1/8th of a pound....and tell you about it. So basically I have learned not to listen. However, today it rubbed me the wrong way. Maybe because she said it as I was offering her some of my gold fish crackers or because I have been feeling fatter and have been going through a leggings/dresses/flip flops phase. Though I adamantly blame the weather.....because when it gets too hot to think and I'm pretty much feel like all clothes are evil and too tight and only feel OK when I'm in A) an air conditioned environment or B) fresh out of the shower, in my underwear and in front of the fan drinking ice water. Anyway, I figured might as well post it and get it off my mind. So here are some positive images of CURVY women.