Back in Action + Black Friday Etsy Deals!
Hello! After a long hiatus Lalipourie is back in action! I recently
moved back to my native SF Bay area home, started a new job and
relaunched my etsy shop! Keep up to date with me on my facebook page Lalipourie Designs, my instagram and my shop!

Back in Action + Black Friday Etsy Deals!
Design Soirée by Lalipourie - Local TV Coverage
I was so blessed to have so much support in my last creative project, Design Soirée by Lalipourie. The support of family, friends and people I've just met was incredible. I was so pleased that people were so supportive of something new.
Coverage of the last event from Panama Street Style!
They did such a great job. If you missed the last event don't miss
this next this December 7th, 1:00pm to 6:00pm, Tantalo in Casco Viejo,
Panama City. Free entrance more info please visit our page :)

Design Soirée by Lalipourie - Local TV Coverage
DIY--recycled cardboard fans
Design Soirée Recap
On September 28th, 2013 at the lovely Tantalo hotel of Casco Viejo,
the first edition of Design Soirée by Lalipourie took place along side
13 other talented designers of the region! It was a whirlwind day of
meeting people, showing my work, interviews and sipping on delicious
pink sangria. We had a great turnout and kept the house full the entire
time. Can't wait till next time!

Design Soirée Recap
Design Soireé: save the date + a call for artists!
Hi lovely Lalipourie readers! I'm always pulling disappearing acts I know! I would love to post away like the old days but it has been a challenge mostly because I'm just insanely busy busy. But that's how I like things to be :). For those of you in Panama please due save the date above for an exciting new project I just launched! This is a project I have been wanting to do for years and finally the pieces have pulled together. It's an excuse to design again and to push my limits. So I'm very happy for that! Hope all you locals will be able to make it. If not just show me some love my liking my page here. Below a little bit about the event:
Design Soireé by Lalipourie
celebration of design and creation! Be part of this exciting
exposé/trunk show/mixer of local talented artists and designers. The
event will take place in the beautiful atrium of the Tantalo Hotel in Casco Viejo from 1-6pm on Saturday, September 28, 2013. Inspired by the
location, the theme of the event is eco-conscious design. Each
designer or artist has been selected for their unique products or
services. Be one of the first 100 people to arrive and receive a
fabulous gift bag with the special offers and surprises!
Entrance is free.
If you are interested in being part of the first edition of Design Soireé by Lalipourie, please feel free to email me at Lalipourie at aol dot com!
Entrance is free.
If you are interested in being part of the first edition of Design Soireé by Lalipourie, please feel free to email me at Lalipourie at aol dot com!
Tantalo Atrium! How could you not be inspired by such a beautiful space?
A little more about Tantalo:
Check out this great little article and yummy photos here!

Of course I'm always gathering inspiration! I made a pinboard for creative display ideas. Taking Lalipourie up a notch ;)

Design Soireé: save the date + a call for artists!
Just some pics from my camera phone
new lunch bag and utensils (bag-Sol de la India pty $2.99, bamboo spoon and fork-Daiso Store in California $1.50 each)
spread from the New Girl marathon at a friends house (left I made almond flour cookies, Ana made goat cheese toasts w/ drizzles of honey---ridiculously good.....)
random free cactus that they gave to us at work :)
today's outfit (cardigan-sample $0, polka dot dress thrifted-$4, bow belt-store in pty $3.99, printed flats-El Costo $3.99)

new lunch bag and utensils (bag-Sol de la India pty $2.99, bamboo spoon and fork-Daiso Store in California $1.50 each)
spread from the New Girl marathon at a friends house (left I made almond flour cookies, Ana made goat cheese toasts w/ drizzles of honey---ridiculously good.....)
random free cactus that they gave to us at work :)
today's outfit (cardigan-sample $0, polka dot dress thrifted-$4, bow belt-store in pty $3.99, printed flats-El Costo $3.99)
Vogue cover (loved the detail on this mini dress---not sure of the type of weaving but I love it)

Recently Sundays are for preparing meals, catching up on shows, pinterest and working on design projects. Today I prepared among other things a colorful breakfast! I boild some ñampi, boild egg and sautee of chicken sausage, peppers, hominy with chipotle. Looking foward to this with a cup of coffee and a sliver of avocado yum!

looking back

Ahhhh man is it been super hot lately. I just got home and I'm already sweaty! Blech! Well today I taught my first class of a series of 10 for a fashion illustration seminar locally here in Panama (contact me for more details). Though I'm sure next class will be way more interesting, I think it went well! So it makes me feel great.

I was just exploring around here to make notes of things that need updating and ran across this little interview I did years ago on Fly Girls. It's funny to look back so far, yet see some things never change. It's fun to look back at the little Laurie from December 2008, the one that had only recenlty moved to Panama and just barely started her little blog. What were her goals and expectations? Seems like ages ago. She was filled with so much hunger back then. Hunger to do her own thing and create without abandon. Somewhere along the way she got jaded and fed up. I think it happens to us all, but I'm glad to see that for some reason I'm impelled to start up again. I know I'm planned for greatness I just need to figure out where I'm going first :)
Well ttfn and see yous soon!

looking back
Hearty Vegan Lunch Time!
Carrot Soup:
carrots, onions, celery, ginger, garlic, potatoes, water, salt, spices (optional mix I used: turmeric, curry, dal makani mix, paprika, cumin)
I'm a lazy cook so no fancy tricks here also I don't have measurements because I do not think it really matters just use what you have available. As long as you season well soup should be tasty :). Just roughly chop all and add spices. Cover with water and forget about it for say 1/2 hour.....once veggies are tender remove from heat and blend. Voila carrot soup!
Sauteed Baked Tofu:
tofu, seasonings/marinade (anything goes but I used turmeric, chinese five spice mix, siracha, sesame oil, honey and garlic)
I let the tofu sit in a strainer in the fridge overnight with something weighing it down. Discard excess water. Then slice thinly and lay on a oiled baking sheet. Then I mix the seasonings in a bowl and brush on the tofu (both sides). Bake until crisp and golden about 25 minutes. Sorry cannot tell you exact temperature because my stove is gas and the knob broke so I just wing it. The tofu like this is great right away because it's crispy and yummy. However, holds up well in the freezer as well. I made a big batch last time and froze 1/2.
So to make the saute I basically defrosted the tofu. Sliced some onions and added the tofu. Seasoned with some whole mustard, basil, garlic, and soy sauce. Stirred it a bit and that was it.
I used this recipe! So delish and easy. Cannot go wrong :).

Hearty Vegan Lunch Time!
Darjeeling + Chocolate

Hi lovelies! It has been over a year since my last post! It's amazing how time flies! I have so much to share and I'm sorry I abandoned this for so long! This year I made loads of resolutions. One was to start up blogging again and take it to new levels. Might as well start today!
So where have I been? Here in Panama still working, living, making things, cooking, dancing....basically the same but just a happier more relaxed version of my life a couple years back. Different job, car and hopefully a more positive outlook on life. So lately I have been brain storming some ideas to share on here as well as revamping/launching into some new design projects. I joined a Capoeira group and lately that has been the highlight of my week. That and Sunday cooking all day.
But to start off a anew with Lalipourie I also wanted to tribute my first post back to my dearly beloved Darjeeling pictured above. She passed away last Wednesday after about 6 months of discovering she had stomach cancer. It was really hard last week to think about it. I have lived away from home for about 10 years, but knowing I will never be able to pick her up and hear her purrrrrrr or give her morning belly rubs has been really sad. She was always the most lovey dovey happy-go-lucky types of cats, you have ever met. Even on my last visit home, she made energy to come up stairs for morning belly rubs and cuddles before running down stairs to be fed. At those times I think we all would forget that she was sick. I'm so happy she waited for me and I got to spend time with my booboo this year. I'm also greatful to have had her in our lives for that long. Breaks my heart but there is some comfort that she will not be suffering anymore. She was a part of our family for many years and will be sorely missed. Nothing will ever replace her space in out hears. She will always be my sweet baby..........................
Need a kitty pick-me-up? Well you might want to check out Mrs. Witherbottom's pinboard. Loaded with kitty goodness.

I finally gave in and tried this mug cake craze thing. Literally just 5 mins ago. Totally delicious and dangerous way to indulge a chocolate craving. It was so moist and yummy! I sort of feel guilty but not really. Tomorrow is a new day and I have capoeira practice so that should make up for it! I'll be back soon. Please comment for posting requests :) Good night!

Darjeeling + Chocolate
New Hair!

first night out with my new hair :D
Hi! So I'm back and I have new hair :D. Well, new since Mid Dec. but I haven't posted in awhile so new for all you faithful Lalipourie readers. Anyway. I made a goal awhile back to grow my hair as long as I could stand and then chop it all off to donate to someone who could use it. I must guiltily admit I still have my braid at home but I fully intend to drop it off at the local hair donation place for children with cancer asap.

before-see how long it was?

It was tough to cut it all off but really I am quite happy with the short hair. it's quick and easy. I feel light. Some times I miss my locks and then I remember how much quicker it is and I relax a bit. So for now short hair to stay!

New Hair!
super cute happy perky song/video
Secret smiley faces made perked me up....Feel like I want to go on a search of my own!

super cute happy perky song/video
Baja la tensión
New music love: Cultura Profética. With beautiful lyrics and mellow rhythms I could just listen to them all day. I listen to their music close my eyes and get all intense and just wanna dance around! Makes me want to chill out at the beach. Hope you enjoy!
I like this song because it talks about lowering the tension and relax, that you cannot force love.

I like this song because it talks about lowering the tension and relax, that you cannot force love.

Baja la tensión
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