
Happy Monday and Belated Happy Spring Holidays!

Happy Monday/Easter/Passover! This years Spring Holidays were a little different for me. I spent the week at my aunt's house for Holy Week. I spent most of the time sitting around being lazy, checking my email, catching up with relatives, working on a new crochet project and eating lots of food. I also went on this long procession to this town near by called Alanje. Basically everyone walks to this town to go to the church there to touch the Jesus figure and put milagritos on him. I was told that the purpose for walking so far was to thank God for all that was good during the year and ask for another year of blessings. It was a long walk, 4 hours from my aunts town to get there. I spent the time chatting with my cousin and her friends all the while stopping for ensalada de mango (mango with lemon, salt & peper) and agua de pipa (coconut water). I am glad I was able to experience something like that, and it was quite impressive to see so many people walking the dark road all together! When we arrived there was a ton of people and it was like a fair, but everyone was pretty quiet and there was no crazy music blasting. There were lots of things for sale such as rosaries, fresh giant mangos and lots of food. Sadly, I didn't have my camera or any money for giant mangos.
At home we celebrate during this time of year by having Passover dinner, eating copious amounts of Easter Candy, and watching the 10 Commandments on TV. When I was a kid Easter was always my favorite holiday because A) it was Springtime, therefore all decorations have something to do with cute baby animals B) it was close to my birthday C) it has the best candy of course! Making Passover dinner was always lots of fun and everyone had their part to help! I always made the haroset! My mama usually made the rest of the delicious dinner, and once I was old enough to drink Manischewitz I realized why all the grown-ups always seemed so giggly during dinner. My mom also would go all out for Easter when I was a kid! We would make bunny bread and she would hide eggs around the house with all my favorite candy! So just for fun here is a Spring style and essentials collage!
PS: check out these awesome Easter eggs!

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