

Saw this video while back in high school and always thought it was cute!

Also loves this video and think it's really funny! hahaha I've had those moments.....


supergirl said...

ha ha ha. That Natasha Bedingfield video is hilarious! I love the first cute little Asian baby! I also want the guy's hat with the bird on it in the end.

Seriously funny--because you always read that men are scared of women thinking that. HA!

Lalipourie said...

heheh I know I love that with each man she has a different lifestyle...it's really cute

I'm so glad you still read my blog! You are the only one who really seems to comment so I am not sure if anyone else really reads it.

supergirl said...

Hey, just because they don't comment doesn't mean they don't read! I love your blog!

Lalipourie said...

well thanks! Well, I'd just like to hear more from my readers! :D I'm having fun doing it anyway!


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